Parkman Grange #305
You, the rental party, Will not touch the gas hot water heater or the gas stove. If the heater or the stove is needed for your rental you will notify the contact member of the Grange in advance. We, the Grange members, will arrange to turn on the gas stove or the water heater if needed.
If the weather is cool or cold you will be responsible to start your own fires in the wood furnace and wood heater stove. The thermostat for the oil furnace will be turned back to 50 deg. F. when you leave.
You, the rental party, are responsible for any damage incurred to any portion of the Grange property, including the interior and exterior of the hall as well as damage to furniture and fixtures, which includes tables, chairs and dishes. A Grange member will inspect the premises before and after your rental.
You, the rental party, will remove all garbage and anything else you bring into the Grange for your occasion. You will sweep both the main hall floor and the dining area floor, and wash the main hall floor. Any furniture you move for your rental will be put back in the place where you found it. You will have this completed and the key returned by 2:00 pm the day after your rental.
You will not insert tacks into the newer folding tables, which belong to the Grange. There are Wooden tables available if you have something that requires tacks. Any violation of this regulation will result in you, the rental party, being responsible for the purchase of a new table. You will not insert tacks or use tape on the walls, woodwork or ceiling that may damage the paint.
Parkman Grange #305 shall not be responsible for any liability arising as a result of fire, accident, etc. occurring on said rented premises to the rental party, their guests and visitors.
The rental fee is $200.00 (two hundred payable at the time you pick up the key prior to your rental date. Any rental paid by check which is returned, for insufficient funds, will be charged an additional fee of $35.00 thirty five).
An additional fee of S50.00 fifty security deposit will be charged. This deposit will be refunded if no damage occurs and all requirements of this agreement are met by the rental party.
Parking: We would suggest that you and your guest park in an appropriate manner so as to leave the roads clear for emergency vehicles to pass safely.
By signing this agreement you agree that you have read and understand the above stated rules of rental and that you agree to abide by these rules and accept any financial responsibility incurred for any infraction of the above stated rules.
Master: _____________________________________________
Rental Party:_________________________________________
Secretary :___________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________