The Planning Board will meet on Thursday, March 2nd at 6:00 p.m. in the library of the Parkman Town Office.
The Parkman Grange will meet on Tuesday, March 7th at 5:00 p.m. at the home of Paul and Cheryl Yale, 661 Wellington Road in Parkman. All are welcome to join them. Please call Sue Manchester at 277-3942 for more information.
The Board of Selectmen will meet on Thursday, March 9th and Thursday, March 23rd at 5:30 p.m. in the library of the Parkman Town Office.
The SAD #4 Project Graduation will have a public supper on Saturday, March 11th from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Mount Kineo Lodge #109 (34 Hudson Avenue in Guilford). Meal is by donation. All proceeds will go directly to funding their trip to Hershey Park in Pennsylvania. Menu will include pulled pork and chicken, potato salad, pasta salad, macaroni salad, corn bread, garlic bread and knots, chili, corn, cole slaw, mac-n-cheese, and a variety of desserts. There will be a Pie Auction following the supper. There will also be a 50/50 raffle and more! Take-out is available at 4:00 p.m. Please call ahead orders by Friday, March 10th to Kylee at 717-0865 or Deanna at 341-2550. Hope to see you there!
Remember to Spring Ahead on Sunday, March 12th at 2:00 a.m. Set your clocks ahead one hour.
The Parkman Trailblazers Snowmobile Club will meet on Tuesday, March 14th at 6:00 p.m. in the lower level of the Parkman Town Office.
SAD #4 will not have school on Thursday, March 16th or Friday, March 17th as they are Teacher Workshop Days.
The annual Town Meeting for the Town of Parkman will be held on Saturday, March 18, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. at the Parkman Grange Hall. The Registrar of Voters will be at the Parkman Grange Hall at 10:00 a.m. Please bring your annual Town Report to the Town Meeting. The reports will be available by March 11th at the Transfer Station, KC’s Country Store, and the Parkman Town Office. The Parkman Grange will host a Town Meeting lunch around noon. They will offer a variety of soups, sandwiches, and desserts. The lunch is by donation and all proceeds go to the Grange.
Just a friendly reminder that all motorcycles expire March 31st.
ATTENTION: The little winter sand shed by the old barn at the Parkman Town Office is for Parkman residents only. Please limit sand to 2 five-gallon buckets per storm. Thank you!
Stephen Lackey is the Animal Control Officer for the Town of Parkman. He can be reached at 343-2013.
Please note that when doing a private sale, a 1995 to current year vehicle will need a title indefinitely.
Fire permits can be obtained at KC’s Country Store from Pam Sukis: 876-4111, and from Danny White at 85 Crow Hill Road: 876-2681.
The Transfer Station is open Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to Noon. Please have your Transfer Station sticker visible to the attendants. If you do not have a sticker, please get one at the Parkman Town Office. They are free of charge.
The Parkman Baptist Church holds worship services every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to attend.
Lance Johnson is the Code Enforcement Officer and Plumbing Inspector for the Town of Parkman. He can be reached at 446-5459.
If you need a certified copy of a birth, death, or marriage certificate please call ahead to the Parkman Town Office at 876-3730. The fee is $15.00 for one copy, and $6.00 for any additional copies of the same record requested at the same time.
White’s Family Redemption is open Tuesday through Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. They are closed Sunday and Monday. They are located on the Crow Hill Road in Parkman. They can be reached at 876-2681.
Proof of insurance is required to register all vehicles. The Town Office accepts electronic proof of insurance, or you can have your insurance agent fax proof to 876-9704 or email proof to
When registering an atv, boat, or snowmobile, please bring in a valid drivers license or unexpired State Id. If it is the first time registering, please bring in a bill of sale or proof of sales tax paid from a dealer. The Town of Parkman participates in the MOSES program.
The Sangerville Food Cupboard (Universalist Unitarian Church) is open the first and third Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. All are welcome. They are located at the corner of Church and Main Street in downtown Sangerville. For more information, please call 277-4221.
The Moose permit applications are now available online at The deadline for completion is by 11:59 p.m. on May 15, 2023. The Moose Lottery drawing will be held in June of 2023.
The Parkman Town Office is open Monday and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The phone number is 876-3730, fax is 876-9704, email is, and website is We accept credit cards in person and over the phone, 3% surcharge applies to all transactions. Happy Spring to all on March 20th.