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- The Parkman Prowlers will meet on Tuesday, May 1st at 6:00 p.m. in the lower level of the Parkman Town Office.
- The Parkman Grange will meet on Tuesday, May 1st at 6:00 p.m. at the Parkman Grange Hall. All are welcome to attend this meeting.
- The Planning Board will meet on Thursday, May 3rd at 7:00 p.m. in the library of the Parkman Town Office.
- The SAD #4 District Budget Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 3rd at 7:00 p.m. in the PCES cafeteria. There will be an informational meeting at 6:00 p.m. This is an excellent opportunity for the citizens to have the proposed budget explained and to ask questions.
- The Road Committee will meet on Thursday, May 10th at 6:00 p.m. in the library of the Parkman Town Office. All interested in joining the Road Committee should attend this meeting.
- The 18th Annual Mother’s Day Tea will be held on Saturday, May 12th from 10:00 a.m. to Noon at the Parkman Grange Hall. Yvonne Davis is the guest of honor this year. Come join us for a fun morning celebrating Moms. Admission is $5 per person, children 5 and under are free. Reservations requested for this popular event as seating is limited. Please contact Sue Manchester at 277-3942 to reserve your seat today.
- The SAD #4 Budget Validation Referendum will be held on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 in the lower level of the Parkman Town Office. Polls will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Absentee ballots are now available at the Parkman Town Office. The Parkman Town Office will be closed for business that day.
- If you would like to participate in the Maine Moose Lottery, you can do so by going to www.mefishwildlife.com and apply online. Online applications must be completed by 11:59 p.m. on May 15, 2018.
- The Board of Selectmen will meet on Thursday, May 10th and Thursday, May 24th at 6:00 p.m. in the library of the Parkman Town Office.
- The Transfer Station is open on Saturdays from 8 am to Noon. Beginning Wednesday, May 2nd the Transfer Station will be open on Wednesdays from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. through the end of September 2018. The Transfer Station accepts household trash, demo debris, metal, refrigerators, air conditioners, TV’s, monitors, and florescent light bulbs. Please ask attendant where to leave each of these items. The Transfer Station does not accept motor oil or gas, antifreeze, batteries, propane tanks, truck or tractor tires, paint cans with paint in them, or gas tanks (unless cut into and dry, then they can be put in the metal container).
- The Town of Parkman will be having Clean-up days on Wednesday, May 9th and Saturday, May 19, 2018. There will be NO CHARGE for Demo these two days at the Transfer Station.
- The Historical Society will meet on Monday, May 21st at 6:00 p.m. in the lower level of the Parkman Town Office. All are welcome to attend this meeting.
The 2018 Boat Registrations are available. If you are registering a boat for the first time, please bring in a bill of sale at the time of registration. Registration fee is based on length of boat and horsepower. Boats DO NOT require a title.
- The Parkman Town Office will be CLOSED Thursday, May 24th through Monday, May 28th in observance of Memorial Day.
Sonia Sanborn is the Animal Control Officer for the Town of Parkman. She can be reached at 876-3000 (h) or 343-0455 (c). Sonia deals with domestic animals only, for wildlife issues please contact a Game Warden.
- Minnie Bridge scholarship applications are now available at the Parkman Town Office. $500 scholarships will be given to Parkman residents who have completed one year of higher education. The deadline for entries is June 15, 2018.
Fire permits can be obtained at KC’s Country Store from Pam Sukis: 876-4111 and from Danny White at 85 Crow Hill Road: 876-2681.
The Parkman Baptist Church holds worship services every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to attend.
The Town of Parkman is looking for people to join the Cemetery Committee. If you are interested there is a sign-up sheet in the Parkman Town Office or call the office at 876-3730.
- Building permits are available at the Parkman Town Office and online at www.parkmanmaine.com.
If you need a certified copy of a birth, death, or marriage certificate, please call ahead to the Parkman Town Office at 876-3730. The fee is $15.00 for one copy, and $6.00 for any additional copies of the same record requested at the same time.
- White’s Family Redemption is open Tuesday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. They are located at 85 Crow Hill Road. 876-2681.
Proof of insurance is required to register vehicles. The Town Office accepts electronic proof of insurance or you can have your insurance agent fax proof to 876-9704.
- The Parkman Baptist Church will be holding a Vacation Bible School beginning Thursday, June 21st from 6 pm to 8 pm. They will also meet June 28, July 12, and July 19. This is for ages 5 to 12, under 5 must be accompanied by an adult. More information will be available in the June newsletter.
5 Guns in 5 Minutes Gun Raffle Tickets are now available at KC’s Country Store, Herring Brothers, Lovell Hardware, and Mountains Sporting Goods in Dover-Foxcroft which has guns on display. Tickets are $10.
- The Parkman Town Office is open Monday and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Our phone number is 876-3730, fax is 876-9704, email is townofparkman@yahoo.com, and website is www.parkmanmaine.com.